🗺️Deployed in 3 airlines, 200+ countries
Same Flight Order solution implemented in 3 airlines and deployed in 200+ countries with the main airline’s suppliers
👩💻📊ABAP based solution suitable for ECC 6.0 & S4H
Currently supports ECC SP6 AND all available S/4HANA versions
Optional, a Cloud solution with a build-in integration to SAP backend for managing Financial postings and Route profitability analyses. Lean P2P process in backend. FO Master Data management in SAP cloud Solution i.e. Contracts / Airport Profiles, pricing engine.
🦾🦿Proven improvement of system performance
From Flight Creation stage, flight acceptance and invoice postings. Excellent response time. All activities performed in foreground, No limitation on the number of lines to be posted
💻💾SAP RPA engine to ensure DB integrity
RPA engine (Robotic Process Automation) to mange new messages, updates an existing massages to ensure DB integrity
👨✈️✈️UI5 based APP to support Flight confirmation
Flight Acceptance UI5 based APP to support Flight confirmation at airport level. One single App for all LOB’s
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